Saturday, March 3, 2018

The YouthTube Experiment, as explained by Dr. J. Fitch

I told him it wasn't ready. That more experimentation was needed. That the procedure responded unreliably. He told me he didn't care. He'd put up ten million in front money and needed to be treated before he got any older and died. He said he had more to do. More money to make. His company would fail without him. I crossed my arms over my chest, unaffected by his desperation, and gave him a firm no. He handed me a check for five million dollars. I led him to the chamber and programmed the software per his wishes.

I watched in awe as the transformation took place. It was so much different than with mice and rabbits. As I knew could happen, the experiment went too far.

Here. Let me share a few of my notes with you so you can better understand how the experiment progressed.


July 15, 2144, 9:15 AM

The subject's vital signs are normal for an eighty-three year old man. After he dons a hospital gown, I place the subject in the YouthTube (Note: need a better, more scientific, name for it), seal him in the transparent chamber, and watch as the lime-green mist envelops him and puts him to sleep. From now until the end of the procedure, the subject will sense nothing but pleasure: the sound of waves caressing a beach, the smell of fresh mown grass, the touch of his newborn great grandson's tiny hand, the taste of his mother's lasagna, the sight of crowds storming stores to purchase his latest product.

July 15, 2144, 9:15 PM

The subject's skin has tightened, giving him a youthful appearance. His grey hair is now dark brown. His bald spot is gone. His body has shrunk approximately ten percent. His skin is pale, almost white. This worries me.

The process is going faster than expected. I try adjusting the settings to slow the change, but the originals are locked in. (Note: reprogram software to allow adjustments during procedure.)

July 16, 2144, 9:15 PM

I must admit I'm a bit panicky. The subject requested a reversal into his mid 30s. He looks to be in his teens. This is exciting, yet disturbing. The YouthTube is adjusting the subject's age; but I have no idea how far the change will go, especially since I have lost control of the process. On a positive side, his skin coloring is near normal.

July 18, 2144, 10:15 AM

The YouthTube stopped an hour ago. I couldn't add my findings at that time. I was shocked and confused. Still am. The subject reverted back to age two based on my observations and his vital statistics. This is unacceptable.

July 18, 2144, 9:15 PM

After much consideration, I decide to attempt reversing the aging process to advance the subject to his desired age. Since I'm unable to change settings during the process, my plan is to age him in five-year intervals, with breaks in between.

July 20, 2144 9:15 AM

The subject's condition is improving. He has the voice and thinking abilities of a typical male in his mid-thirties. Unfortunately, his body remains that of a toddler. His skin tone is normal.

It does make me smile to hear such coarse language coming from an adorable-looking child. I find that earplugs help.

I'm going to give the process one more try. If nothing else, perhaps I will be able to stop changing diapers.

July 21, 2144, 9:15 PM
The subject's body remains that of an infant. He is potty trained, thank God. His mental capacity has returned to where it was before he entered the chamber. So have many of his mannerisms. This morning he asked for a cigar.

August 30, 2144, 9:00 PM

After further tests, I have declared the experiment a failure. The YouthTube is not a viable solution at this time and will be disposed of in a manner so as not to be found.


What about the subject, you ask? I have a second cousin twice removed who lives on an outlying planet. He will take the subject, his name to remain unknown, and raise him for the rest of this life. It shouldn't be too many years. It's regrettable that his family will never learn what happened to him.

As for me, I plan to move elsewhere, also, and continue my quest for a machine to reverse the aging process. I, too, have much work left to do and cannot allow my life to expire without providing others with the chance to live an eternal life.

By the way, I have never published my findings, so no one will be able to verify anything you tell them. Neither is Fitch my real name, simply one to attach to this document. Don't bother attempting to discern my given name. It will be futile. I am an unknown, originally from another planet.

You may publish this discourse if you wish, including my full set of notes. Others may find them interesting and possibly helpful in their own work. Or my results may convince them that their efforts to date are as futile as mine.

That's it. I have nothing more for you and will not answer any questions. Thank you for your time. Let me show you to the door.