Sunday, August 4, 2024

What We Know

First published in Literary Cocktail Magazine

Mom walked us down the aisle for Sunday worship smiling. Dad was home alone. We think.

Dad worked at the local hardware store. We think. 

Mom subbed at our elementary school a couple of days each week. We think.

Mrs. Andersen was mom’s best friend in high school, not so much now. We think.

Dad slept on the couch most nights. We think.

Dad spent more time with Mrs. Andersen than mom did. We think.

Mom packed a suitcase and left for good with Nathan’s teacher, Mr. Johnston. We think.

Mrs. Andersen (call me June) moved in with us permanently. We think.

We are confused and afraid, but know things will be okay 

because Dad loves us more. 

We think.

Learn more about Literary Cocktail Magazine here.

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